Beautiful Networks1 织网1

Fred Dervin 文德


While I used the metaphor of the flood in the previous piece to describe how ‘rivers’ of words often serve the purpose of creating ‘good music’ to the ear (Belles paroles) in the three pieces here, I employ the metaphor of the networks, ‘beautiful networks’. They show crooked and twisted lines, accompanied by colourful dots, linking up individuals whose faces only we are given to see. As social and human beings we are always embedded in others’ words, be they interlocutors, institutions, ideas from books and films, etc. These complex networks, which have started to be complemented and complexified by AI systems (e.g. ChatGPT) are pushing us to beware of what we say, how we say it and what others pass onto us as nods in the complex communicative networks of which we are part. Soon we might lose control of most words we hear and utter, making belles paroles even more difficult to deal with.

虽然我在前一篇文章中使用了洪水的比喻来描述在这里的三篇文章中,单词的“河流”如何经常达到创造“好音乐”的目的(Belles paroles),但我使用了网络的比喻,“美丽的网络”。它们显示出弯曲扭曲的线条,伴随着五颜六色的圆点,将只有我们才能看到的人联系在一起。作为社会和人类,我们总是嵌入他人的话语中,无论是对话者、机构、书籍和电影中的想法等等。这些复杂的网络已经开始被人工智能系统(如ChatGPT)补充和复杂化,这促使我们警惕我们所说的话,我们如何说,以及其他人在我们所属的复杂交流网络中向我们传递的点头。很快,我们可能会失去对我们听到和说出的大多数单词的控制,这使得美女的戏仿更加难以处理。

BIODATA - 艺术家简介

A renowned scholar in the field of intercultural communication and education, Fred Dervin (Chinese name: 文德 Wende) is also an artist. He holds two PhDs (Sorbonne University in Paris and University of Turku, Finland), is a full professor and PhD supervisor at the University of Helsinki, Finland.  Dervin also holds several distinguished and visiting professorships in Australia, Canada, China, Luxembourg, Malaysia and Sweden, as well as in other Finnish universities. Dervin has published internationally on questions of identity, interculturality and mobility/migration (over 150 articles and 80 books). His interest in art began when he was a teenager and has continued to grow over the decades. Over the past decade, he has produced artworks in China and Finland to showcase his scientific ideas. His commitment to the arts has also influenced his personal research (e.g. the benefits of arts education for intercultural communication). For decades he has collected and specialized in Finnish art from the mid-20th century and since 2015 he has been actively involved in producing his own art in relation to his research work. In his 2022 book entitled Interculturality in Fragments: A Reflexive Approach (Springer), he included 10 of his works of art to stimulate his readers to think beyond words about intercultural communication and education. He is just about to publish a book on art and interculturality in education (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023).

Dervin is interested in the complexity of depicting faces in his art work by using different techniques. Interestingly, the Finnish word "face", "kasvot", always appears in the plural, which piqued his curiosity about the human face. This interest also comes from his scientific research on identity and intercultural communication, as well as his experience of living in different parts of the world.
